「National Bureau of Statistics of China」熱門搜尋資訊

National Bureau of Statistics of China

「National Bureau of Statistics of China」文章包含有:「NationalBureauofStatisticsofChina」、「NationalBureauofStatisticsofChina>>Yearbook」、「OfficialEconomicFigures」、「NationalBureauofStatisticsofChina」、「CountryProfileofChina」、「NationalBureauofStatisticsofChina」、「NationalBureauOfStatisticsOfChina」、「StatisticsfromStatisticalBureau」、「NationalBureauofStatistics」

中國國家統計局gdp中國國家統計局人口National Bureau of Statistics of China中國國家數據局中國經濟數據公佈中國國家統計局cpi中國國家統計局國家統計局英文中國國家統計局失業率中國統計年鑑中國國家統計局英文國家統計數據國家統計局台灣國家統計局國家統計局cpi
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National Bureau of Statistics of China
National Bureau of Statistics of China


National Economy Continued to Rebound and Progress Well in April · Statistical data · Latest ReleaseMore · International Cooperation · International Training.

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National Bureau of Statistics of China >> Yearbook
National Bureau of Statistics of China >> Yearbook


Understanding Statistics · Agency · Monthly Data · Quarterly Data · Annual ... 1999 · FAQs |About NBS |Contact Us |Terms of Service National Bureau of Statistics ...

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Official Economic Figures
Official Economic Figures


The project examines five interrelated categories of Chinese power: military, economics, technology, social, and international image. Through objective analysis ...

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National Bureau of Statistics of China
National Bureau of Statistics of China


National Bureau of Statistics of China provides statistical and economic services. The Agency develops laws and regulations on statistical works, ...

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Country Profile of China
Country Profile of China


As an agency directly under the State Council, the National Bureau of Statistics is in charge of statistics and economic accounting in China. In Accordance with ...

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National Bureau of Statistics of China
National Bureau of Statistics of China


These include estimates from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study, survey data collected for program and policy evaluations, and data outputs produced for ...

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National Bureau Of Statistics Of China
National Bureau Of Statistics Of China


Statistical Communique of the People's Republic of China on the 2021 National Economic and Social Development(Chinese and English Edition).

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Statistics from Statistical Bureau
Statistics from Statistical Bureau


National Statistics, Republic of China (Taiwan) · Statistics from Statistical Bureau · Close.

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National Bureau of Statistics
National Bureau of Statistics


Abbreviation: NBS Chinese: 国家统计局 The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) reports directly to the State Council and is chiefly responsible for ...